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Sunday 9 June 2013

Narendra Modi, poll panel chief of BJP

Narendra Modi appointed BJP's poll panel chief

 Putting an end to national speculation, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President Rajnath Singh on Sunday announced Narendra Modi as the Chairman of the party's Campaign Committee for 2014 general elections. Singh made the announcement at the end of the two-day executive meeting. 

Modi was recently appointed a member of the party's parliamentary board. 

Stating that Modi will lead BJP to victory in the elections, Rajnath Singh said that the party has taken the decision with consensus. 

Earlier, Rajnath Singh told BJP cadres, "We are the only alternative, will bring about change." "From corruption to misgovernance, this country has been let down by the government," he added. 

Earlier in the day, speaking to BJP cadres at Goa, Narendra Modi said, "We need the country free from Congress rule. Nation has never seen such brazenness and people are angry with Congress." 

"People still believe institutions and remember the work of Atal Bihari Vajpayee even today with confidence," said Modi. 

Modi took a jibe at UPA's Bharat Nirman campaign stating that instead of 'Aapka hak',it is a case of 'Aapka shak', implying that the citizens of the country are suspicious of the national pitch by Congress. 

Stating that there is a deficit of trust in the country, Modi went on to say that 'throwing out' Congress is a national not a political campaign. 

Reflecting the mood in the party ranks, Goa chief minister Manohar Parrikar said Modi should be the "face of the party" at least six months before the general elections. Even Uma Bharati, seen to be close to Advani, wrote to party chief Rajnath Singh saying she will support any decision the party takes. 

BJP spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain said that the party can not ignore expectations of BJP workers. 

Hussain announced that the BJP will hold nationwide protests against the UPA government from June 17 to June 22. 

No hesitation in appointing Modi: Rajnath

4.45 pm: Rajnath added, "Today, India needs a country who is clean and not tainted." If the BJP comes in power, it will have a vision document, he said.
4.35 pm: Mocking the UPA-led government's 'Bharat Nirmaan' campaign, Rajnath held the central government for country's fiscal problems. 
4.30 pm: BJP president, speaking on Modi's appointment, said it took him a few minutes to decide on Modi's appointment.

India has a weak PM: Jaitley

4.20 pm:Jaitley, praising the newly-elected poll panel chief Modi, said his state Gujarat's development can be compared to that of China.
Praising BJP-led state governments, Jaitley called upon the people of the country to "get rid" of the "corrupt UPA-led government" at the centre.
Jaitley also congratulated party president Rajnath Singh for showing "strong leadership" while taking decision on appointing Modi as the party's campaign committee chief.
Jaitley criticised Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for damaging the post of PM because of his "inability" to take decisions as a leader.

4.00 pm: Following the appointment, senior party leaders including Modi addressed the party workers at a mega rally.

Allies welcome Modi's appointment

3.45 pm: BJP's allies Shiv Sena and Akali Dal welcomed the party's decision to appoint Modi as the poll panel chief. The support by the allies is seen as a boost to the BJP's move as there were earlier reports of a split within the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) with respect to BJP's prime ministerial candidate for the upcoming general elections in 2014.

'Congress not afraid of Modi'

3.30 pm: Congress leader Rajiv Shukla, while reacting to Modi's anointment, derided the BJP for infighting between the party leaders. He said, "How can this party run the country when it can't even keep it's leaders together? We are not afraid of Narendra Modi. We are ready for the fight."

Yashwant Sinha welcomes Modi's appointment

Several BJP leaders, including Sinha and party veteran Advani, gave the two-day national executivemeet in Goa a miss, prompting the ruling Congress Party to say 'Namonitis' had struck the BJP.

3.20 pm: Sinha accused the media of creating a frenzy around Modi's anointment. He said,"The dust has finally settled. Modi has been named the chairman of campaign committee. I was one of the first to speak in favour of Modi. He has no match in the Congress party. In the last three days I have been shown as anti-Modi and pro-Advani. The fact is I have spoken to none of them. I have neither met or spoken to Advani. I respect him. Because of personal problems I did not go to Goa."

3.15 pm: Yashwant Sinha, in a press statement, while welcoming Modi's appointment, slammed the media for labeling him as a 'anti-Modi' figure. "I am neither in Modi camp nor in the Advani camp," he said.

Modi calls for 'Congress free' India

2.45 pm: Modi thanked the senior leaders for "reposing faith" in him.
He also added that he spoke to the party's senior leader Advani and received his blessings. He tweeted, "Spoke to Advaniji on the phone, he gave me his blessings. Honoured and extremely grateful to receive his blessings."

2.30 pm: Modi on twitter: We will leave no stone unturned for a 'Congress free' India.
The new election campaign committee chief of the BJP, Modi, moments after his appointment, took to Twitter to express his gratitude towards the party for the appointment.

Modi appointment 'BJP's internal matter': JD(U)

2.15 pm: Janata Dal United (JD-U) reacts to Modi's appointment. JD(U) leader on Modi anointment: "Naming Narendra Modi as poll panel chief is BJP's internal matter" says Devesh Thakur.

'Modi's elevation welcome'

2.10 pm: Manohar Parrikar on Modi: "Decision on modi was inevitable. I welcome the move" says the Goa CM.

2.00 pm: The chief minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shivraj Singh Chouhan, too welcomed the decision.
He said, "I congratulate Shri Narender Modi on being appointed as the chief of BJP's campaign committee. We shall collectively ensure BJP's victory."

Modi named chairman of the BJP's poll panel

"We have decided Narendra Modi as chairman central campaign committee. This is an unanimous decision. We have full confidence that BJP will come to power in 2014," Rajnath informed the media.

1.50 pm: BJP president Rajnath Singh makes official announcement that Modi will head BJP's campaign committee chief.

1.20 pm: Various media reports suggest that the leader of the opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj, Venkaiah Naidu and Anant Kumar agree for Modi's elevation.Sushma, reportedly, told senior leader Advani to accept Modi's elevation.

1.10 pm: All eyes are now on party chief Rajnath Singh's valedictory address to see if he will announce a Modi. Sources say the announcement is likely to be made in a short while.

Modi addresses party workers

12.45 pm: Addressing party workers at the national executive meeting, Modi slammed Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government.
He said, "Congress free country is not politics rather programme nationalism. People of country are angry of Congress rule."
Praising former Indian freedom fighter Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, he added, "Statue of Sardar Patel should be bigger than Statue of Liberty."

12.20 pm: Answering questions on Modi's appointment as the party poll chief, he said, "The nation will get good news. There will be a press conference at 12 noon.
"BJP has passed its political resolution in the National Executive."

'Congress is afraid of Narendra Modi'

12.15 pm: Hussain said the Congress is afraid of the Modi factor. "Corruption of UPA II was discussed in the National Executive. UPA has no reason to celebrate. BJP is the only hope for the country," he said.

12.10 pm: Addressing the press at Goa conclave, spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain censured the Congress.

12.05 pm: Sources add that former party president Nitin Gadkari may be appointed head of the manifesto committee for 2014 Lok Sabha elections.

11.45 am: The announcement, sources say, is likely to be made by party president Rajnath Singh at 2 pm.

11.20 am: This is the first time since the founding of the BJP that Advani has skipped the national executive meet, reporting ill health.

11.15 am: Advani - once Modi's mentor - is believed to be miffed at the Gujarat strongman being made the party's face for 2014. The reason, many say, is that Advani hasn't yet shed his prime ministerial ambitions.

11.10 am: The majority in the party - including Advani - had opposed the proposal, and Modi stayed on to rise to become the party's key leader.

11.00 am: Earlier on Saturday, Modi, looking cheerful, came out of his second-floor room at the Marriott Resort - the venue of the party conclave - and had breakfast with party leaders, including many younger ones.

Dissent within the BJP?

10.45 am: On Friday, in the absence of some BJP leaders like LK Advani and Yashwant Sinha, Modi was given a rousing welcome by party leaders and activists on his arrival in Panaji  for the National Executive Meeting.

10.40 am: Other party leaders missing from the party conclave in Goa were Yashwant Sinha, Jaswant Singh, Uma Bharti, Maneka Gandhi, Varun Gandhi and Shatrughan Sinha.
The missing names of senior leaders in the meeting gave rise to media reports of a rift within the party.

10.35 am: 85-year-old Advani had cited 'ill health' as the reason behind not attending the meeting in Panaji.

10.30 am: BJP leaders have been insisting that Modi will be the right man to lead the party for the upcoming general elections in 2014 despite the absence of senior leaders like LK Advani and Yashwant Sinha.

10.00 am: All eyes have been on BJP party chief Rajnath Singh's valedictory address on Sunday to see if he will announce a Modi promotion at the gathering of 300 leaders.
All eyes are now on party chief Rajnath Singh's valedictory address on Sunday to see if he will announce a Modi promotion at the gathering of 300 leaders.
Singh on Saturday had stated that everyone will go home happy, energised and enthusiastic. (With inputs from Agencies.